Sewing is my art. There is a kind of magic that occurs in the textile creative process. I have been a seamstress for more than 30 years and from the beginning I have found joy in developing and creating projects for my family and friends.
While the worship experience is unique for each individual, it can be enhanced by the beauty and richness that colorful vestments and paraments can provide.
Making clergy vestments is a spiritual process for me. I imagine the clergy person leading worship, participating in the sacraments, and the response from their congregation. I allow the Spirit to enliven my creativity and direct my designs and fabric choices, therefore each garment is unique. After completing a particular garment, I find that I have a spiritual and emotional attachment to it and send it off with my blessing and the hope that those who experience it will be blessed.
Over the years, I have made countless clergy robes and shirts, stoles, scapulars, deacon stoles, and chasubles, each a distinctive reflection of the wearer.

“Creating is a spiritual practice.”